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Skills That Every Present-day Job Hunter Needs

Post on: 11/27/2013 3:31:25 PM - by: System Admin
As the global hunt for plum jobs in Singapore seems to show no signs of abating, it is more important than ever to make sure that you stand out from other job seekers as you compete for job openings. From demonstrating your skill sets as a social media savant to showing initiative in all aspects of life, here are 5 skills that will help you get noticed when you search for jobs.

1. Social Media Savvy

You can say that you have strong writing skills during an interview, however, as coach and owner of Keppie Careers and author of “Social Networking for Career Success” Miriam Salpeter notes, employers will still look for a further demonstration of your abilities – could you also author a purely professional blog and/or comment intelligently on other industry-related posts?

Plus, by sharing suggested readings and thoughts via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+, you can plug your creativity and demonstrate your expertise or the enthusiasm you have about your industry. With some luck and smart marketing, you can take your social media presence to a professional level. Employers will turn to you whenever there’s a social media job to be tackled, and that will be the perfect opportunity for you to step up and shine!

2. Professionalism

Hiring managers and recruiters can spot people who exhibit professionalism as soon as they walk into the room or through how they write their resumes and cover letters. Professionalism is a vague concept much like the oft-quoted ‘x-factor.’ There are many ways to exude professionalism though; it’s in the way you dress, whether you’re confident and comfortable around others, as well as through your manners and etiquette. It can also demonstrate itself through something as seemingly inane such as looking at people in the eye while in a conversation.

3. People Skills

Having people skills, or being a conversationalist, is something that would be in your best interest to develop. Your resume can highlight your skill set and past experience, but it won’t tell a prospective employer if you went to seminars or trade events. You need to be able to show that you can interact well with people – be it within a group or in a social or networking-type setting.

This too, is a skill that can be improved upon with some practice. If you’re more of an introvert, you can visit a social event or a community group to practice networking with people.

4. Openness to learning

If there’s one thing that is required in all professions, it’s the ability to be adaptable and open to learning new ways to work. If you aspire to stay competitive, make it a habit to think beyond your job role and try to learn new things all the time. Take classes, webinars, short-term programs or even Youtube tutorials; you have nothing to lose with continuing education. You can even network with the instructor and other classmates if you’re active in class.

Top skills to pick up in classes, especially if you work for a corporation, include: how to effectively use technology in meetings, SEO/SEM, how to use Skype or other teleconferencing software and how to upload videos online. Don’t forget to list down any of these courses that you’ve attended onto your resume.

5. Having Initiative

Very often the trait of being able to take initiative isn’t taught in school; educators are often focused on imparting academic skills instead of developing initiative. Many times job advertisements don’t feature this trait in their job descriptions but employers definitely want their hires to have initiative. A candidate who is able to step up to the plate is very sought after indeed; however these traits don’t come with certifications or credentials.

That’s why it is important to show enthusiasm and ask questions to the hiring manager as early as during the interview process. Your go-getter attitude can make you look like the best candidate you can be in any position.

Furthermore, a go-getting attitude can help you figure out how things work in your new job in the most efficient way possible. For example, if you’re in a new admin job, talking to people from other departments, figuring out the office equipment yourself and learning the organizational chart of the company can let colleagues to see that you’re a street smart person unafraid to ask questions.

Think of these skills as your secret weapons to success. Even though they can’t be listed down as credentials in your resume, you can be sure that these soft skills are being duly noted by the employers or recruiters.

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